2023 National Electrical Code 采用 Kit

联系人: 丹Buuck
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The 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC) 采用 Kit is provided for state and local home builders associations (hba) and other stakeholders to help with evaluation of the new electrical provisions as their jurisdictions move forward with the code adoption process.

The code adoption kit includes the following information:

  • 的列表 重大的改变 to the 2023 NEC residential provisions (also shown below)
  • 的列表 建议修改 to the 2023 NEC supported with substantiating information
  • 成本分析 of the significant 2023 NEC code changes by 家居创新研究实验室
  • 一份显示 国家收养情况 of different editions of the NEC around the country including which AFCI and GFCI amendments have been adopted

Significant Changes to 2023 NEC Residential Provisions

NEC节 主题 描述
210.8(A) 厨房gfci This change expands the requirement for GFCI-protected receptacles in kitchen. The requirement now applies to receptacles anywhere in the kitchen as well as in any area with a sink and permanent provisions for food preparation, 饮料的准备, 或烹饪. This requirement previously was limited to kitchen receptacles serving the countertop surfaces.
210.8(D) 特定器具的gfci This change expands the requirement for GFCI-protected branch circuits or outlets to include those serving electric ranges, 安装在墙上的烤箱, 柜台式烹调装置, 干衣机和微波炉, 不管他们在哪里. The list of appliances was previously found in Section 422.5(A),包括7个项目.
210.8(F) 户外插座GFCIs This change removes the requirement for air conditioner condenser units and heat pumps to have GFCI protection. It should be noted that a similar change was also made to the 2020 edition through a Tentative Interim Amendment that went into effect September 2022. The requirement for GFCI was also expanded to include garages that have floors located at or below grade level, 附属建筑, 和舱库.
210.11(C)(4) 车库分支电路 This change clarifies that additional branch circuits are permitted beyond the one supplying the required receptacle outlets in each vehicle bay. It also allows additional equipment to be supplied by the required circuit in garages with a single vehicle bay as long as the rating of such equipment does not exceed the limits of the branch-circuit ampere ratings.
210.23(A) 10安培分支电路 This change establishes a new section allowing 10-ampere branch circuits for lighting and exhaust fans. 某些负载也被禁止, 如插座, 车库开门器和洗衣设备. The change addresses higher efficiencies in lighting and other equipment which result in lower electrical loads and may lead to oversizing circuit wiring and connected devices, 比如断路器. This change is one of several that are necessary to recognize 14 AWG copper-clad aluminum for branch circuit applications installed using a 10-ampere branch circuit.
210.52(C)(2) Receptacles on Kitchen Islands and Peninsulas This change removes the requirement for providing receptacles to serve countertops and work surfaces on kitchen islands and peninsulas but requires undefined provisions for a future receptacle if none are provided. This section previously required one or more receptacles to serve islands and peninsulas based on their countertop area.
210.52(C)(3) 厨房插座插座位置 This change limits the location receptacle outlets in kitchens. They can be installed in, on, or above countertops and work surfaces. 除了这些地点, this section previously allowed receptacle outlets to be installed not more than 12 inches below the countertop or work surface. 在2020年NEC之前, this allowance only applied to construction for the physically impaired and on certain islands and peninsulas.
220.5(C) 负荷计算 This adds the requirement for the floor area of garages to be included when calculating the minimum lighting load for dwelling units. Note: The charging language is found in Section 220.41.
230.67 浪涌防护装置额定值 This change adds the requirement for surge-protective devices (SPDs) to have a nominal discharge current rating of not less than 10kA. SPDs were added to the 2020 NEC, and no minimum rating was required.
406.9(C) Receptacles Installed Around Tub or Shower Spaces This change clarifies that the zone restricting the location of receptacles around a tub or shower space does not include those spaces separated by a floor, 墙, 天花板, 房间门, 窗口, 或者固定屏障. The 2020 NEC extended the zone 3 feet beyond the bathtub rim or shower stall threshold.

Current and past editions of the National Electrical Code can be viewed on 美国的网站 free of charge or can be purchased as a subscription or pdf.