

The 2022 NAHB Designees and Educator of the Year awards honors housing professionals who have displayed notable professionalism as NAHB designation holders and those who have excelled in 教学 NAHB education courses. “We are extremely proud to honor these industry professionals who have committed the time and effort to enhance their skills and have helped bring awareness to the education programs offered by NAHB,NAHB教育委员会主席吉姆·卡尔说, 本金保证产品, GMB.





标签Gilkeson, 帽, 注册会计师, CGB, 本金保证产品, CGR, CMP, CSP, GMB, 主本金保证产品, CSP的主人, MIRM, 是Tag的主人 & Associates, LLC是一家位于德克萨斯州卡罗尔顿的设计/建造公司. Gilkeson got his start in the real estate and construction industry in 1999 after obtaining his 德州 REALTOR license. In 2009, he turned his attention to gaining more knowledge in his field by earning an associate degree in architecture and bachelor’s degree in construction management. 相信终身学习, Gilkeson is passionate about education and works diligently as an NAHB 教育 approved instructor, 一边教育同行,一边做自己最喜欢的事情, 教学. 他也是达拉斯建筑商协会的活跃成员.



斯科特B. 罗伯茨

斯科特B. 罗伯茨, 帽, 本金保证产品, is the owner of Creative Architects located in Garland, 德州. He is an industry veteran and a true professional with an incredible knowledge of the architectural industry and has designed and planned a variety of projects since establishing his firm in 1982. 在他的职业生涯中, 罗伯茨 has designed both residential and nonresidential structures to include elderly housing, 娱乐设施, 以及单户和多户住宅. 他还担任过许多设计比赛的评委, 在研讨会上发言, written articles for magazines and has been an active leader in the Dallas Builders Association and the City of Garland, 德州.




马特·米切尔, 帽, CGB, CSP, GMB, is the owner of James Andrews Custom Homes LLC in Dallas, 德州. Mitchell has been a builder and realtor since 2002 and has been actively involved in the Dallas Builders Association since he first joined in 2011. 米切尔曾在达拉斯建筑商协会担任过各种领导职务, 包括他2020 - 2021年的总统任期. 他对知识的追求使他获得了几个大学学位, including an associate of arts and science degree in construction management from North Lake College. Mitchell also uses his designations when speaking to groups and encouraging individuals to increase their knowledge base by taking classes and earning designations to show proficiency in their profession. He also lists his designations on his resume/bio and website for clients to review.




HCCP的Ronnette史密斯是Zeffert的高级培训师 & 密苏里州圣路易斯的律师事务所. 拥有20年的行业经验, she has overseen more than 30 communities at varying levels and has garnered a vast depth of knowledge from multiple vantage points. As an affordable housing expert across multiple funding restrictions and training disciplines, she is now widely considered a “must-have” for properties that require teams with proficiency in compliance. 一颗冉冉升起的新星, she started her career in Low Income Housing Tax Credit as a Compliance Coordinator, 后来又晋升为销售和市场经理. 她现在是一个很受欢迎的教练. Her students boast designation pass rates amongst the highest in the nation because of her unique ability to make otherwise complicated information easy to understand. 史密斯是个积极进取的人, 精力充沛的, 目标导向的教练, 这使她成为经济适用房行业的重要资产.




菲利普一个. 小Calinda., 帽, CGB, 本金保证产品, CGR, GMB, 巨磁电阻, 是千禧定制房屋有限责任公司的唯一所有者, 利文斯顿的一家设计/建造公司, N.J. 第三代建筑师,监督所有新建筑, 改造, 以及公司的改造项目. He credits mentoring from others in the industry and NAHB education courses as essential to his success. He helped his local HBA become a destination for professionals seeking NAHB designation courses. 新泽西建筑商协会,大都会建筑商协会 & Contractors Association of NJ and the New Jersey Association of Realtors have recognized his company with honors and awards. 他积极参与建筑行业和社区的各个方面, 凯琳达一直在寻找提高和成长的方法.

销售 & 年度最佳营销人员


尼古拉斯·雷·雷姆, 帽, 注册会计师, CGB, 本金保证产品, CGR. CSP, GMB, 主本金保证产品, 担任销售和市场营销高级副总裁, project manager and director of research and development at Montana Heritage Home Builders Inc., an award-winning family owned and operated luxury design/build company in Columbia Falls, Mont. 专注于社交媒体, 广告与营销, Ream educates individuals at the HBA of Metro Denver annual meeting regarding the designations he has earned and the benefits of those designations. He also promotes earning NAHB designations at the University of Denver Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management. 他积极参与nahb -包括参与全国销售 & Marketing Council—the Montana Building Industry Association and the Flathead Building Association.




盖尔股票, 帽, is the founder and principal of EZ Way To Stay in Montclair, NJ. 作为一名职业治疗师和无障碍专家, she has decades of experience working with clients across the spectrum of ages and abilities. 自2017年获得帽以来, she has promoted the designation and its benefits in her community and among her industry peers. 拥有纽约大学职业治疗硕士学位, Stocks is an advocate of the aging-in-place community and has created a home study course focused on home modifications. She volunteers for organizations such as Rebuilding Together as a logistics coordinator, AARP as their Lead NJ Presenter for HomeFit as well as a member of their speakers’ bureau. She is currently working on her Post Professional Doctorate in Occupational Therapy at Touro University.