Four construction workers looking down

Workforce Development

NAHB is partnering with educators, members and state and local HBAs to address the housing industry’s labor shortages and to develop a skilled workforce for the future.

HBA leaders and members are not waiting for interest in the skilled trades to tick up. As part of NAHB’s national strategic partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of America, associations of all sizes are actively recruiting the next generation of skilled trades professionals.

May 28, 2024

HBA-Led Programs Increase Interest in the Trades

HBA leaders and members are not waiting for interest in the skilled trades to tick up. As part of NAHB’s national strategic partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of America, associations of all sizes are actively recruiting the next generation of skilled trades professionals.

Workforce Development is Top Priority

NAHB is working to address the industry’s labor shortage.

Learn more
HELP Grant Winners

Workforce Development Champions

The latest news, events and information for skilled trades advocates.

HELP Grant Winners

Promotional Materials and Economic Data

A variety of digital and print assets available download or share promoting the trades.

HELP Grant Winners

Activities, Build Guides and Lesson Plans

Download educational materials for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

HELP Grant Winners

Workforce Development Partnerships and Programs

Boys & Girls Clubs of America, Skills USA and the DEIA Student and Faculty Leadership program.

HELP Grant Winners

Outreach Campaigns and Toolkits

Careers in Construction Month, Career and Technical Education Month® and Women in Construction materials to share with your community.

HELP Grant Winners

HBA Best Practices

Insights on advocating for workforce legislation, marketing workforce events and  hosting skilled trades activities from HBAs of all sizes.