
联系人: 格雷格·齐克
(202) 266-8493

NAHB works to leverage strategic partnerships and propel innovative workforce development programs forward to empower the next generation of skilled trade professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to compete in a competitive 21st-century economy.


NAHB, 房屋建筑商协会(HBI), 国家住房基金, and state and local associations are well-positioned to collaborate to elevate the residential 建设 industry and attract and retain a larger workforce.

To help strengthen the residential 建设 workforce, NAHB is committed to meeting the following workforce readiness objectives:

  • Promote the benefits of careers in residential 建设.
  • Introduce residential 建设 careers in early education.
  • Identify and recruit prospective workers for the 建设 industry.
  • 熟练劳动力培训的市场机会.
  • Increase positive public perception of careers in the residential 建设 industry.

为了实现这些目标, NAHB is connecting and introducing HBA and member leaders to local organizations. NAHB作为中介 NAHB学生分会 (高中, 社区学院和大学), 职业技术教育(CTE)高中, 男孩 & Girls Clubs, SkillsUSA Clubs, and after-school programs. NAHB已经 大量的资源 for members and HBA staff to engage students of all ages in building activities, 体验式学习练习, 竞赛和实习.

NAHB National Partnerships and Diversity Initiatives

Collaborating with organizations committed to workforce readiness is vital to addressing the housing industry’s labor shortages and developing a skilled workforce for the future. NAHB’s workforce development partners include the 男孩 & 美国女孩俱乐部, SkillsUSA, the 美国建筑教育委员会 and the 国家建筑博物馆.

除了, the NAHB学生分会 and 员工发展 team is leading the way in fostering a diverse and inclusive industry through the Diversity, 股本, 包容, and Accessibility (DEIA) Student and Faculty 领导 program. This initiative expands opportunities for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) students and creates a space where everyone feels valued and included through leadership development seminars and networking opportunities.

男孩 & 美国女孩俱乐部

NAHB和男孩们合作了 & 美国女孩俱乐部 to introduce more of America’s youth to a future career in residential 建设. The agreement comes as the residential 建设 industry continues to struggle to overcome the lack of available skilled trade workers.

了解有关协作的更多信息 并访问伙伴关系工具包.


NAHB已经 partnered with SkillsUSA, a national education nonprofit focused on workforce development. The partnership will help close the skilled labor gap and create a workforce that is essential to meet the strong demand for housing.

SkillsUSA is the national organization for students in trade, 工业, 技术和卫生职业教育. It sponsors the SkillsUSA Championships annually to recognize the achievements of career and technical education students and to encourage them to strive for excellence and pride in their chosen occupations.

了解更多关于合作关系的信息 在你附近找一个当地的美国的技能分会.

Diversity, 股本, 包容 and Accessibility (DEIA) Student and Faculty 领导 program

In 2023, NAHB学生分会 and 员工发展 team launched its first-ever Diversity, 股本, 包容 and Accessibility (DEIA) Student and Faculty 领导 program. The initiative aims to expand opportunities with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) students through leadership development seminars and networking opportunities throughout the year. The program will create more pathways for equitable opportunities in residential 建设 and increase diversity within the 建设 management pipeline.

了解更多 关于项目的使命和目标.



的主要目标 美国建筑教育委员会 (ACCE) is to promote and improve 建设 education in colleges, 大学和劳动力教育项目. 通过ACCE共同努力, people representative of the total 建设 community and the public at large, 建筑教育者和建设者, establish and maintain standards and criteria for accreditation, guide those programs seeking to achieve accredited status, 并执行认证程序.

NAHB, ACCE的常设协会成员, has the opportunity to influence the educational experience of future 建设 leaders as an active participant within the ACCE Board of Trustees and through numerous networking events.



NAHB与 国家建筑博物馆 在华盛顿特区.C., to collaborate on housing industry initiatives and ramp up efforts to expand workforce development outreach.

国家建筑博物馆, 距离国家广场四个街区, has transformed the public’s understanding of the impact of architecture, 工程, 景观建筑, 建设, 规划设计. NAHB will now have a footprint in the museum’s ongoing, 参与展览, 教育项目和特别活动.

NAHB的成员, 执行官, and HBA and NAHB staff will receive free general admission to the museum through June 30, 2025. This exclusive benefit includes access to all exhibitions and program passes. Provide your business card at the registration desk and identify as an NAHB member. 了解更多.