
联系人: 格雷格·齐克
(202) 266-8493

Learn how hba around the country are promoting workforce development in their communities by working with high schools, community colleges and four-year colleges and universities to develop curriculum, 赞助夏令营, 创建实习项目.

If you would like to submit a project to share with your peers, 请通过我们的网站提交您的材料 在线表单.


萨拉·希思博士, Assistant Provost and State CTE Director, 720-858-2399

Colorado is implementing career and technical education (CTE) throughout its education system to help address the labor shortage issue in the state. 了解CTE项目结构, see examples of work-based learning and find out how to implement CTE into your state education system.


凯特•柯林斯, 317-236-6330

In 2017, BAGI piloted a program in partnership with local school district to create awareness and excitement about the home building industry and its many related careers. The program was rolled out in six elementary schools within the district and involved students in grades 3 and 4.

The format of the program is that of a 6-week enrichment club. Schools have the flexibility to determine when the 6-week format best fits into their school calendar and also whether this program should be before, 后, 或者在上课时间. BAGI member volunteers and staff support the program, with the following format:

  • Each session opens with a 10-15 presentation from a BAGI member from the various segments of the industry (e.g., land planning/engineering, plumbing, construction, foundations, roofing, landscaping, etc.).
  • Each session theme will help further the “construction” process for the LEGO home, 提出了以下任务:
    • 第一周-设计
    • 第2周-基础
    • 第3周-提高墙壁和修改设计
    • Week 4 — Interiors and discussion on plumbing/electrical/HVAC components
    • 第5周-屋顶和景观美化
    • 第六周-最后的润色
  • BAGI members assist in the lecture component and weigh in on curriculum as needed, 但是老师对课程有控制权.

作为一个高潮事件, all of the schools have teams that participate in a LEGO competition, using the skills developed during the enrichment program to compete in a 1-hour competitive event with BAGI builder member judges.

With the support of member volunteers, the BAGI model is easily replicable. The framework outlined above is flexible and allows schools to have control over how they would like to implement the program, 哪个对他们来说没有硬成本.


布莱恩·米勒, 859-653-4815

In 2016, the 北肯塔基州HBA卡 entered into a partnership with a local area school district and workforce partnership funding to introduce high school students to the career opportunities in the building trades. HBA管理着恩茨韦勒建筑研究所, a post-secondary evening trades education program for adults taught by industry trade professionals.

通过合作关系, the facility also now teaches high school students a state-approved curriculum that introduces the students to construction trades, and focuses on licensure attainment and long-term employment.

在第一年, the program will take 48 sophomores and juniors from the Boone County School system. After the first year, students will participate in a co-op work program with members of the HBA. After graduation, the students are encouraged to attend the 恩茨韦勒建筑研究所 to work towards their journeyman’s certificate and licensure attainment in specific trades.

  • 关于行业入门课程的媒体报道

杰夫史密斯, 918-857-5470

使用NAHB的教案, HBA members can work with middle school students during their math classes to help inspire and encourage more students to consider careers in construction. The goals of each lesson plan are to engage the students, fit in a teacher’s required curriculum and be applicable for schools across the United States. Each lesson plan includes a hands-on activity where students apply the math and science principles being taught.

除了教案, a detailed script of what a builder would want to say and do during the lesson also is provided, 还有必要的学生讲义.


温迪Brors, Assistant Director, Industry and Operations, 303-318-8470

The 科罗拉多州劳动力发展委员会 provides resources to help associations understand how to address the labor shortage issue by developing partnerships and creating career pathways and work-based learning opportunities. This presentation will also show you how to connect industry and education though shared goals.



斯蒂芬·里德, PWB DSM主席,515-988-9954

The 大得梅因的HBA卡 developed an 活动手册 to promote the skilled trades to elementary school kids and educators. Through early exposure to the skilled trades more kids may choose to take hands on classes in high school, 申请实习和学徒. The key to success in attracting more youth to the skilled trades is through the parents and educators who need to know that there are career choice alternatives to college.
